May 1, 2014

Campaign report part II

Defence of the ABGOD

Near one of our recruitment centres there was an old inoperable piece of war machinery. According to our Water caste negotiators, this object was of great affectional value to the local humans. They referred to it as the ABGOD, short for Ancient Big Gun of Doom. There were rumours that the Renegades were interested in plundering this machinery, using parts from it to repair their vehicles and weapons, or maybe even repair and use the gun itself. A task force was sent out to defend this object, to stop the Renegades from using it. Defending this object that was important to the locals would also be used in our propaganda for the Greater Good.

The battle was even at first, with our great Tau forces slowly gaining the upper hand. Our brave Firefly warrior dropped perfectly from the sky, stopping a squad of renegades from gaining control of a fortified watchtower with his twin-linked flamer. A squad of outflanking kroot took control of it instead. Commander Coldsun made a solo offensive during the whole battle, taking out a lot of infantry units with his special issue wargear. The airbursting fragmentation projector was proved a success, and should be made more widely available to our troops. Soon enough, the armoured vehicles of the renegade army could not withstand the pounding of our railguns. Their whole army was on the run, leaving a few burning wrecks behind.

New auxiliary recruits was now queuing at our recruitment centres, all for the Greater Good.

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