May 12, 2014

Human helpers

I really like the idea of humans joining the Tau Empire. After all, Tau are the only good guys out there, right? The forces of the human imperium are not good, just read the stories, and Eldar are just evil killer pirates. The rest don't need commenting, I think...

The Tau call them Gue'vesa, which translates to human helpers. These humans come in squads of six to twelve, and they are equivalent to imperial guardsmen. They are quite useful, since you get a cheap troop unit to hold objectives (or use as cannon fodder, whichever you prefer). A good restriction is that you must have a fire warrior squad for each gue'vesa unit, and they may not be taken as your compulsory troops.

Now to the fun part: Building the gue'vesa models! I used the bodies of fire warriors since I wanted them to blend in with the rest of the army. Since most humans don't have hoofs, I had to do something about that. This came to my first attempt at using "green stuff" to make tiny boots for these little guys. Quite tricky, I must say, and the result - well, ok I guess.

The heads are from militia soldiers from Warhammer Fantasy, as well as some other ones that I don't know where they are from. Since all races ready to embrace the Greater Good are welcome, I also made a non-human gue'vesa soldier. With a head from a (non-GW) orc and some head tails made from green stuff, I think he became a very cool addition to the bunch!

1 comment:

  1. As a T'au player; I'm quite proficient in the lore. And as you dive deeper into the T'au the more you find that the Ethereal calss, and the way somehow, every T'au since that faithful day on Fio'Tau have somehow submitted to their rule, and it's not justs indoctrination. Such as one imperial magos biologus finding a starnge organ in the forhead of an Ethereal female. My entire point is; no faction is good. Eldar are not just space pirates. Craftworlds are Harlequins despise the Dark Eldar (the essentail space pirates). And in no way is any faction good.
