April 9, 2014

In the beginning...

I started with Warhammer 40K a few years ago (I am now 36), after a short but effective persuasion campaign: They said "start playing 40K", I said no, then I started playing 40K. I am just a sucker for tiny models with weapons, and has been since I was a kid.
So I chose Tau. Why? Well, I had some Tau models that I bought just because I thought they were cool, and the plan was to use them in one of my own game ideas (I thought that Fire warriors were robots...). Also, after reading about them, I liked the idea that they allied with different kinds of alien species, like the kroot and vespids. Now I have also learned to love all the possible options that come in the form of high-tech equipment!
As many others (I guess), I started with the "Tau Battleforce", thinking that it would give me an army that I could take on some enemies with. And so I did, finding myself utterly crushed time after time. It took a while (and the acquiring of more models) before I got a hang of how Tau should be played. And now, I must say, my army kicks some serious butt (thanks to some help from Tau blogs and forums). Maybe I might give some helpful tips to other Tau players on this blog, as well as to tell about my experiences with the hobby.
And why not start with a favourite of mine: A two-man battlesuit unit with dual missile pods (not twin-linked). Maybe throw a target lock on one of them, and split their fire. Then let them fire missiles to their little hearts content, mainly at light vehicles! Jump from cover, poof-poof, then jet pack move back behind cover and have some tea. Very convenient.

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