July 28, 2014

Codex: Creepers part II

So, let's look at some more units from the Creeper Codex. Most of these models are from Warhammer Fantasy.

 The mysterious Shadow Creepers, not all painted yet... 
(Eldar Harlequins)

And the big guy himself: The deamon they call the Lord of the Pit!
(Eldar Avatar)

From left to right: I don't know who the first guy is. Yet. The two in the middle belong to the Cult of Mystics (Eldar Warlock Council). The last one is Garokil: Supreme Engineer, with The Sharpshooter (Eldar Uldanorethi Long Rifle).

Finally, there are the Reaper Creepers (Eldar Dark Reapers). I have the models, but they are not painted or even assembled yet. As models I used Veer-myn Scourgers.

July 21, 2014

Codex: Creepers part I

I made a codex of just a few pages that are supposed to be used as allies for Tau. The codex is based on selected units and options from the Eldar codex, so it is completely "legal" as far as values and point costs go. They would probably not be welcome in any tournament though...

Here's the story:

The ratmen had been living alone and undisturbed for many millennia, when a deamon from below emerged, proclaiming that it was time for them to watch the stars. The first ones to oppose the at the time seemingly insane idea where slain by the beast, silencing others. Quietly they followed, up and up, until the deamon broke the roof of the world with it's strange weapon. The people of the underworld had been let loose, now forced to accept a new destiny for themselves. They stood in the middle of an open wasteland, all gazing silently upon the star sprangled sky above.

The beast led them to a new home in the mountains, waging war against all that stood in their way. The beast was their king now, and no one dared question his demands. It was not until a blue alien being ascended from the stars that the bloodthirst of the beast could be calmed. The creature came with new ideas, a new purpose, that was appealing to the deamon. The ratmen and the blue ones would join forces, reach for the stars, and conquer them.

The models below are Veer-myn from Mantic games.

 Creeper Militia with flamer in the front and fusion gun in the back
(Eldar Storm Guardians)

 Storm Creepers 
(Eldar Dire Avengers)

Creeper Commandos 
(Eldar Striking Scorpions)

Next time we'll take a look at the HQ options and some other units.

July 14, 2014

Conversion: Knarloc riders

With some regular kroot soldiers and dark elf cold ones (lizard mounts from Warhammer Fantasy) I made a unit of four knarloc riders (Imperial Armour vol. III). The tricky part was the rider's legs, which needed some reconstructing.

As a Tau player, it is always nice to try out cavalry, since they don't have any in the codex. They are fast moving, and the Hammer of Wrath rule with strength 5 is a nice combo. But they are still fragile, like all Kroot, so it is best to try to run from cover to cover with these guys. Probably easier to keep them hidden if they are few, but you can have up to nine riders if you like.

July 7, 2014

Conversion: Pathfinders

Markerlights. One of the great inventions of the Tau warmachine. Use them to boost ballistic skill, ignore cover save or send a seeker missile from anywhere on the table at an unsuspecting target. 

There are several units that are equipped with or offers the possibility to be equipped with markerlights. Pathfinders are of the former, having them attached to their pulse carbines. They also have a lot of other options, like special weapons and drones that aren't available to other units.

For my pathfinders, I just used regular Fire warriors without backpacks, "non-helmet" heads, and one head from a tank commander. I used stealth suit antennas (if I am not mistaken) as markerlights. I also added black tattoos on their heads (I like those small details...).

Below is a picture from my first try using pathfinders. After disembarking, they got shot to pieces (like the rest of my army...). Not a good way to use them. I think the best way is to hide them in some ruins. They can't be very mobile if you want to use the markerlights (and you will), since these are heavy weapons.

July 1, 2014

Campaign report part IV

The relic

The cadre was moving south during night time when our scouts reported a lone figure among some ruins. One of the human helpers recognised the woman as a daughter to a leader of a human nomadic tribe. Assuming she was lost, if we were to bring her to her tribe, we might gain new followers of the Greater Good. Quickly a task force was dispatched, led by commander Coldsun.

When the force was nearing the target, the sound of engines across the wasteland brought the soldiers to a stop. Appearently, our rivals the Renegades was heading the same way. The two forces started to take positions among old industrial buildings and battle debris, the ”relic” in the middle.

The task force took only minor losses, while the enemy was utterly crushed. One tank retreated with some soldiers running after it. Left on the battlefield were the pieces of four troop transports together with the bodies of the fallen.  

The "relic"

Renegades disembarking from their transport vehicle

A Hammerhead searching for targets, unaware of the enemy commander with one of his henchmen, lurking with a meltagun

Two Fire warrior squads closing in on the "relic"

June 30, 2014

Themed buildings

Instead of buying terrain, I prefer to build my own out of plastic containers, paper, parts of toy cars, drinking straws and various pieces of junk I come across. Then I spray it black and throw some paint on it. The trick is to make them "themed", so that the buildings look good together. Below are some examples.

 A monument dedicated to some kind of snake god

 A power station...

A statue raised to honour a legendary hero

June 23, 2014

Conversion: Tetras

The Tetra is a fast skimmer used for reconnaissance (again from Imperial Armour vol. III). The model, well, I think I found a suitable one: The Hunter Killer 2000 Grav Bike, from the Void miniatures game.

The human pilots were converted to tau pilots by cutting off their noses and slicing a vertical line on their forehead. Painted blue they look ok, I think. The bike itself looks great, I skipped the minigun mounted under the "beak" (yes, maybe it resembles a duck...). The backside with the model is that it is metal. The paint scrapes off, and it tips over quite easily.

I have not attached any weapons on them yet. Pulse rifles and markerlights, that is. Maybe they are built into the front somehow...

Fast skimmers are nice, and with disruption pods they can increase their much needed jink save to up to 3+. They are great markerlight units, with 2 twin-linked shots each. There is most often room in the organization chart for them, since they are fast attack. I prefer to take two units with two Tetras each.